Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Estelle Morris to step down at election

Estelle Morris has decided to step down at the next election and airs concerns about current Labour education policy. Good to see that there is someone with some integrity in the Labour government. Unfortunately it means that with every decent person who stands down it gives room for another Tony Crony
"Later, Ms Morris told BBC2's Newsnight she had concerns about the agenda of 'choice' being pursued by Prime Minister Tony Blair and her successor as education secretary, Charles Clarke.
The people who lose out from choice are the good hard-working families who we are in politics to represent

Estelle Morris
She said historically it had always been the middle classes who benefited from choice because they knew how to play the system.
'Choice is vitally important, but for a left-of-centre government, it has got to be choice with access. That's what marks us out from the Conservatives,' she said.
'The people who lose out from choice are the good hard-working families who we are in politics to represent.'
Ms Morris admitted she would be glad to speak out publicly about her reservations over Labour education policy once she had left Parliament.

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